Business Insurance FAQs

Have a question about Business insurance? We’ve got answers!

Business Insurance FAQs

1. What is business insurance and why do I need it?

Business insurance is like a safety helmet for your business, offering a range of protections for different potential risks. It’s essential because it can cover costs if your property gets damaged, something gets stolen, or even if someone sues your business.

2. How can Webber Insurance help me with business insurance?

Webber Insurance specialises in helping small businesses find the right insurance coverage. We provide various options and price points, so you can feel secure and confident with your business insurance.

3. What does business insurance cover?

Business insurance covers a wide range of protections. This includes property insurance, business interruption insurance, theft coverage, money insurance, public & products liability, and more. The exact coverage depends on the specific policies you choose.

4. What additional business insurance covers should I consider?

Additional coverages like professional indemnity insurance, cyber liability insurance, management liability insurance, workers compensation insurance, and commercial motor insurance could be beneficial based on your business and its specific risks.

5. What types of businesses does Webber Insurance assist with?

We specialise in insurance for businesses in the construction and trade, technology, professional services including health services, and wholesaling sectors.

6. What types of businesses does Webber Insurance not assist with?

Currently, we aren’t equipped to serve some industries, including hospitality, accommodation, manufacturing, import/export, transport, retail, motor trade, and farming.

7. What should I do if an incident occurs leading to a business insurance claim?

Contact us as soon as something happens. We’ll guide you through the claim process, help you collect necessary information, submit the claim, and assist you until the final settlement.

8. Does business insurance cover theft?

Yes, theft coverage is part of business insurance. It protects your business contents or stock if they are stolen.

9. What is the benefit of business interruption insurance?

Business interruption insurance helps keep your income flowing if an unexpected event like a fire or flood disrupts your business. It allows you to recover without financial stress.

10. Is cyber liability insurance necessary for my business?

In today’s digital world, cyber threats are real and could have significant financial impacts on your business. Cyber liability insurance can help cover these impacts.

11. What is Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Professional Indemnity Insurance provides a safety net if a client believes there has been a mistake or negligence in your professional service or advice and they’ve suffered damages or financial loss because of it.

12. Does business insurance cover employee dishonesty?

Yes, employee dishonesty coverage protects your business if an employee commits fraudulent activities.

13. What kind of insurance protects the mobile assets of my business?

Claims can arise from professional negligence, fraud or dishonesty by staff, defamation, loss of client documentation, wrongful or inadequate advice to clients, and breaches of trade practices or fair trading legislation, among other things.

14. Can business insurance cover costs related to tax audits?

Yes, tax investigation insurance covers costs related to dealing with tax audits or investigations.

15. What should I do if my business is in an industry that Webber Insurance does not serve?

If your business falls into a category we can’t assist directly, we recommend finding a broker specialising in your area. It’s important to have insurance coverage from a broker who truly understands your industry and specific risks.

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